Prophetic Coaching Huddles

Prophetic Coaching Huddles

If you would like to grow personally in your journey of hearing God and using the gift of prophecy, this is a great place to start!

Prophetic Coaching Huddles

Coaching huddles provide a high quality learning environment for developing prophetic gifts, ministry and lifestyle. They bring in-depth teaching and experience in how to listen and respond to God’s voice. They usually operate on a fortnightly basis (over one year) and are conducted using web communication tools such as Zoom. They last 75 minutes, have between 4 and 5 participants and are led by one of our fantastic coaches. Through this training you will have an opportunity to understand and process key biblical principles of hearing God, as well as learning essential tools for discipleship. In addition you will receive the practical skills to equip you to disciple other people in your context and release them into prophetic ministry.

We’re Ready For You!

We are starting some new prophetic huddles soon. If you are interested or would like more information please e-mail

Our FREE TASTER HUDDLES are a great way to see what the huddle experience is like. A one-hour one-off huddle – all welcome! Contact us if you’d like to join in: connect@accessibleprophecy

“The prophetic coaching huddle has been very helpful for me in terms of learning what prophecy is and discovering how God is speaking to me. It was helpful not only for hearing God for other people, but also for myself for encouragement and strengthening. The huddle has drawn me closer to God and I am amazed at how much I’ve grown since it started. It has motivated me to be active in the prophetic and to learn how God is working in the lives of the other participants.”

– Jeannette

“Doing a huddle has been great! There is such benefit in discussing a variety of aspects of prophecy as well as exploring more about one’s own journey with the prophetic. It has been a joy to meet every fortnight with others from around the world, all with a unique story of how God communes with each of us. It’s a great place to learn, share, be challenged, and helped to grow in the gift; to encourage and be encouraged! I’d recommend this as a safe space to enrich your understanding of how to hear God’s voice as you seek to follow Jesus’ example in everyday life.”


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