Holy Disruption Cohort

“This course has been such a help to understand, discuss and reflect on the awesome beauty and power of the prophetic and its vital place, role and partnership in the church. It also enabled us to take practical steps towards making space for the prophetic to become a reality in our own settings.”

God calls his church to be an authentic prophetic body that can faithfully carry his transformative word to the world around us. As leaders, many of us share a passion for prophetic gifts and ministry, but questions remain.

How do we lead our churches in the gifts and ministry of the Holy Spirit?

What is a healthy and holistic model of the prophetic?

How do we enable prophetic gifts to be embraced by the whole church (not just the usual suspects)?

How do we rediscover the authentic prophetic voice and witness of the church in the midst of the turbulence and upheaval of the times we are living through?

We would love to invite you to join this online training based around Cath Livesey’s new book, Holy Disruption. This is an opportunity to join a small, supportive cohort of leaders who share the same vision and values, with plenty of space to talk through the challenges and find strategic solutions. 

We believe that it’s possible for every church to develop a culture where the prophetic bears much fruit and has a lasting kingdom impact. 

Here’s how it works:

■  Monthly cohort gatherings

We will meet once a month via Zoom, over the course of eleven months.

Training aimed at leaders

This training is for church leaders and members of church leadership teams. Each session will be led by Cath Livesey and will cover themes from Holy Disruption, plus case-studies and application.


To provide an interactive cohort-based training on how to grow healthy prophetic culture that serves both church and society; to establish a mature, contextualised engagement with the prophetic in our churches that enhances mission and discipleship and that empowers Christians to extend God’s kingdom into their neighbourhoods and workplaces; to provide a safe and supportive learning environment for leaders.


£225 per person for the 11 sessions (reduced rates if more than one person from a church joins)

Interested? Please email connect@accessibleprophecy.com for further details and to register.