We value:
- IDENTITY – We believe that prophecy begins with an identity rooted in knowing God as Father.
- ACCESSIBILITY – We believe that the prophetic must be accessible to the many, not just the few.
- ACCOUNTABILITY – We believe accountability is vital to a healthy engagement with prophecy.
- MULTIPLICATION – We believe that a prophetic culture needs to be rooted in discipleship. Our primary call is to make disciples that make disciples in every sphere of life.
- A HOLISTIC LIFE – We believe hearing God is a lifestyle. It influences and integrates every aspect of life. How the prophetic is expressed in each individual’s life will be different.
- BEING GROUNDED – We believe that every expression of prophetic ministry must be grounded in Scripture.
Our Principles for engaging with prophecy:
- PROPHECY IS ABOUT RELATIONSHIP – We hear God because we are included in his Covenant of love. We’re empowered because we have friendship and fellowship with the person of Holy Spirit.
- PROPHECY IS FOR EVERYONE – All disciples of Jesus can learn to hear his voice and engage with the gift of prophecy.
- PROPHECY IS FOR EVERY CHURCH – Every church can develop a healthy, mature and biblically based prophetic culture that resources discipleship and empowers mission.
- PROPHECY IS ABOUT THE KINGDOM – Disciples of Jesus have a responsibility to use their prophetic gifts to represent and extend the God’s Kingdom on earth, and engage with God’s heart for social justice.
- PROPHECY IS ABOUT RESPONDING – Learning to obey when God speaks is as important as learning to hear him.
- PROPHECY IS ABOUT COMMUNITY – Prophetic people need to be firmly embedded in, and accountable to, the church community, with a heart to edify and encourage the Body.
- PROPHECY IS ABOUT LOVE AND SERVICE – Prophetic ministry is rooted in love and service.
- PROPHECY IS ABOUT EQUIPPING – A key part of the prophet’s role is to equip others to hear God. Ephesians 4 teaches us that prophets, alongside apostles, evangelists, pastors and teachers, are there to equip the saints for the work of ministry for building up the body of Christ.
- PROPHECY IS ABOUT WEIGHING – Prophecy needs both interpretation and application: these are worked out and tested in community.